Roundup Cancer Lawsuit News

Monsanto Make The Case For Glyphosate's Safety

For decades, Monsanto has built a dossier of scientific studies and common sense arguments that support their opinion that glyphosate is not only safe but also a necessary agricultural component

Wednesday, December 5, 2018 - I have written over 100 articles on glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto Roundup herbicide. Most of the articles have centered around glyphosate being carcinogenic, i.e., cancer-causing, and the company's efforts to hide this fact from consumers. Monsanto, on the other hand, cites all of the reasons that we should not fear glyphosate as well as the many ways farmers use the product to reduce food production costs.

Monsanto is first to point out that glyphosate has a 40-year track record of helping farmers, landscapers, homeowners, and many others control weeds. Monsanto lawyers have argued that glyphosate is safe and that it was not until the IARC issued a warning to the European community that the chemical may be possibly cancer-causing, not a single cancer-related lawsuit had been filed. Monsanto attorneys claim that today's lawsuits against glyphosate's safety rely on "attorney-driven science."

On the official website,, the company highlights the benefits of glyphosate weed-killer to farmers. Weeds have always presented a problem for farmers because they use up the water that could otherwise go to water the crops. Weeds also consume the vital nutrients in the soil as well as crowd out root growth needed for nutrient absorption. If weeds are left unchecked they can block the sunlight the crop plant needs to grow and produce fruit. Glyphosate kills all plant life except those that are genetically modified to be resistant to its effects thus maximizing the earth's resources to be used to grow the crop. Monsanto's glyphosate weed-killers dramatically reduce the cost of ridding the farm of these weeds and make farming an economically sustainable business.

Monsanto argues that glyphosate is good for the farm environment in that it discourages tilling the soil to kill weed which can cause the erosion of the nutrient-rich topsoil and also release sequential carbon into the atmosphere. Using Monsanto glyphosate-based weed-killer enable farmers to leave the previous year's used crops right where they are after harvest to create additional organic matter that is beneficial to sustaining and improving topsoil.

Monsanto cites the opinion, regularly reviewed and updated, of the US Environmental Protection Agency that has continually failed to find evidence that glyphosate is harmful to humans in any way, shape or form. According to, "December 2017, the EPA reaffirmed the safe use of glyphosate: The draft human health risk assessment concludes that glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic to humans. The Agency's assessment found no other meaningful risks to human health when the product is used according to the pesticide label. The Agency's scientific findings are consistent with the conclusions of science reviews by a number of other countries as well as the 2017 National Institute of Health Agricultural Health Survey."

Finally, Monsanto makes the case that the IARC's findings that glyphosate is "probably carcinogenic" is an isolated opinion not shared by the vast majority of scientists around the world that study the subject. Monsanto accuses environmental activists, many of whom I have quoted in my article in the past, as blowing the agency's statement out of proportion to generate unwarranted fear amongst consumers.

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Lawyers for Roundup Cancer Lawsuits

Attorneys handling Roundup cancer lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Roundup cancer lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Roundup cancer lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at the Onder Law Firm have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.