Roundup Cancer Lawsuit News
Information and News About Monsanto Roundup Cancer Lawsuits
Monsanto's Glyphosate Could Be Killing Florida's Manatees | 4/7/2021
Glyphosate destroying the food supply is the most likely reason Florida's Manatee are dying at triple the usual rate...READ MORE
Bayer to Focus On Overturning Edwin Haldeman Verdict At The Supreme Court | 3/26/2021
Bayer attorneys have made the strategic legal decision not to appeal their initial court loss to DeWayne Lee Johnson and focus their efforts on having the $80 million Edwin Haldeman verdict overturned by the Supreme Court...READ MORE
Bayer Seeks To Limit Future Glyphosate Lawsuits With Second Settlement Offer Terms | 3/6/2021
A group of more than 60 attorneys has formed to fight the most recent Roundup herbicide Bayer settlement offer....READ MORE
Bayer Earnings Reel From Decreased Demand For Monsanto Seeds and Herbicide | 2/17/2021
Monsanto and Bayer's Roundup herbicide and GMO seed brand may have been damaged by negative publicity surrounding glyphosate cancer lawsuits...READ MORE
Bayer Increases Their Monsanto Roundup Cancer Settlement | 2/9/2021
Bayer is not out of the woods as Roundup cancer plaintiffs continue to come forward...READ MORE
Holding The FDA Accountable For Failing To Warn About Glyphosate and Monsanto's Roundy Herbicide | 12/28/2020
Study after study is coming out that accuses glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide of causing cancer and many other serious illnesses...READ MORE
Most Farmers Side With Bayer/Monsanto Regarding Glyphosate Safety | 12/24/2020
We may be asking too much of farmers to consider giving up glyphosate....READ MORE
Glyphosate Cancer Gets Mixed Reactions Among Scientists | 12/7/2020
Scientists tell reporters that it is tricky to draw a direct connection between glyphosate usage and cancer...READ MORE
Monsanto Has a Well-Deserved Reputation Of Being a Manufacturer of Deadly Chemicals | 11/30/2020
Monsanto can not separate their history of producing deadly defoliants from its claims of glyphosate safety...READ MORE
Where The Monsanto Roundup Cancer Settlement Stands | 11/17/2020
Bayer AG struggles as only about 90,000 of the more than 125,000 Monsanto lawsuits have been settled, and other plaintiffs look forward to their day in court...READ MORE
Individual Trials Targeting Monsanto Roundup Herbicide Are Set To Resume in 2021 | 11/10/2020
Settlement talks and the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 delayed Roundup herbicide trials...READ MORE
Bayer Doubles Down On Glyphosate Safety | 10/31/2020
After settling tens of thousands of lawsuits claiming glyphosate caused cancer, Bayer has launched an even deadlier herbicide...READ MORE
Experts Fear Bayer Could Be Forced To Break Up | 10/19/2020
The global life sciences leader is under pressure from Roundup Herbice lawsuits and an ever-expanding lack of demand for the weedkiller...READ MORE
Bayer Inc. May Be Ruined As A Result of Purchasing Monsanto | 10/10/2020
There is nothing but bad news to report about Bayer Inc., in 2020 and the foreseeable future ...READ MORE
Glyphosate-resistant Strains of Weeds Cause Farmers to Seek Alternatives | 9/30/2020
Countries are banning glyphosate over health concerns, and also because the product no longer works...READ MORE
More Plaintiffs Settle With Bayer Over Roundup Herbicide Cancer | 9/16/2020
Bayer has executed a settlement agreement about one-third of plaintiffs as the remainder look to take on the company individually in court...READ MORE
Mexico's Farm Industry Pushes Back on Banning Glyphosate | 9/7/2020
Rising food costs and decrease exports could hurt the Mexican economy according to experts...READ MORE
Bayer Told To Put Up or Shut Up About Glyphosate Cancer Settlement | 8/29/2020
Nothing has happened since Bayer announced a settlement agreement months ago...READ MORE
Mexico to Ban Glyphosate | 8/13/2020
Banning glyphosate could have far-reaching effects on the US food supply...READ MORE
Monsanto Chastised By Appeals Judge For Disregarding Public Safety | 7/31/2020
When an appeals court confirms a jury's original decision, it can make a defendant look pretty bad...READ MORE
Roundup Herbicide Glyphosate Found In Storebought Hummus | 7/24/2020
Glyphosate's cancer-causing focus may shift to what we eat...READ MORE
Bayer Pulls Their $1.2 Billion Glyphosate Study Settlement Offer | 7/13/2020
Bayer has decided to withdraw $1.2 billion of the Monsanto $12 billion Roundup Herbicide cancer settlement...READ MORE
Bayer's Settlement Offer With Future Roundup Plaintiffs Looks Shaky | 7/8/2020
Unbiased juries, not Monsanto-appointed panels should be responsible for interpreting the science that claims Roundup Herbicide is carcinogenic...READ MORE
Monsanto Roundup Herbicide Cancer Has A Human Face | 7/1/2020
Alleged Roundup cancer victims must endure physical, emotional, and financial problems every day caused by the debilitating disease...READ MORE
Bayer's Financial Involvement In Glyphosate Research Could Be A Conflict Of Interest | 6/30/2020
Bayer funding research into glyphosate cancer could delay trials for many years...READ MORE
Monsanto/Bayer Glyphosate Cancer Settlement Agreement Reached | 6/25/2020
A Federal Judge must still approve the terms offered by Bayer that may include limiting future lawsuit awards to a fixed amount, and not all attorneys have signed on...READ MORE
Roundup Will Not Be Required To Carry A Cancer Warning In California | 6/23/2020
Only a factual, non-controversial ruling on the safety of a product could force it to carry a cancer warning label...READ MORE
Colombia Threatens to Use Glyphosate to Defoliate Coca Fields That Produce Cocaine | 6/17/2020
Environmentalists and others are furious at what many consider a short-sided attempt to fight the war on cocaine production with glyphosate, a known carcinogen....READ MORE
Glyphosate May Be a Necessary Evil Unless a Viable Replacement Can be Found | 6/11/2020
No law says that banning glyphosate would result in a safer alternative used for the next decade or longer...READ MORE
Progress In Roundup Cancer Settlement Talks Are Rumored | 6/3/2020
The legal landscape changes fast as last week the Coronavirus pandemic threatened to end Roundup cancer talks...READ MORE
New Study Confirms Glyphosate Could Cause Autism | 6/2/2020
While thousands of Roundup cancer lawsuits are close to being settled, a new front of litigation against Monsanto may be gaining traction...READ MORE
Bayer Could Be Forced To Deal With Individual Roundup Lawsuits as Early as July | 5/22/2020
Roundup herbicide cancer settlement talks have stalled and individual trials are preparing to proceed in its wake...READ MORE
Bayer/Monsanto May Not Be WillingTo Settle Glyphosate Claims For Months to Come | 5/19/2020
The Bayer/Monsanto Roundup glyphosate cancer settlement talks may be delayed indefinitely as the world food supply chain works its way out of looming recession...READ MORE
Glyphosate In The Air And Water Could Be Damaging People's Immune Systems Causing COVID19 To Be More Deadly Than Necessary | 5/13/2020
Healthy human gut bacteria is essential to guide our system to make the critical differentiation between which cells to kill and which to leave alone...READ MORE
Economic Damage From The Coronavirus Economic Shutdown Could Impact Bayer Monsanto Cancer Settlement Talks | 5/11/2020
Pricing and liquidating assets to create funds to pay future cancer claims is nearly impossible until the dust settles on reopening the economy...READ MORE
Alleged Roundup Cancer Victims Continue To File Lawsuits | 5/4/2020
Lawsuits continue to be filed as cancer victims blame Roundup Herbicide...READ MORE
The Bayer Shareholder Meeting Held Online This Quarter and Focuses on Roundup Herbicide Lawsuits | 4/30/2020
The meeting invited speakers to submit videos and text of their concerns about Monsanto's behavior...READ MORE
US Agricultural Likely Would Not Survive A Ban of Glyphosate | 4/23/2020
Glyphosate reduces farmer's costs to such an extent that they most would not remain in business without it...READ MORE
Monsanto Advised Their Employees To Wear Protective Gear While Using Roundup Herbicide | 4/15/2020
Internal documents could be cited and force Monsanto/Bayer to label Roundup warning users to wear protective waterproof clothing...READ MORE
Environmental Activists Challenge the EPA's Glyphosate Risk Assessment | 4/6/2020
Groups representing a plaintiff who recently sued Monsanto claim that the EPA's credibility was compromised and the agency ignored vital studies that show glyphosate causes cancer...READ MORE
Glyphosate Damages Human Gut Bacteria And Could Lead To Developing Many Deadly Diseases | 4/1/2020
The epidemics of autism, obesity, and Alzheimer's disease may now be explained...READ MORE
The EPA is Being Sued By Environmentals For Saying Glyphosate is Safe | 3/25/2020
The US Environmental Protection Agency is supposed to protect the environment and by default the health of US citizens...READ MORE
Licensed Pesticide Users of Roundup Herbicide Have a 41% Higher Chance of Developing Cancer | 3/20/2020
A recent study focused on groups of Roundup Weedkiller users that use the weedkiller during their jobs more often than others...READ MORE
Monsanto Funded and Faked Scientific Studies That Claimed Glyphosate Was Safe | 3/17/2020
Monsanto has also been accused of ghostwriting analysis of studies to slant the outcomes in favor of their product's safety...READ MORE
CEOs Are Bailing Out From Facing Their Consumer's Lawsuits | 3/16/2020
Bayer CEO has decided to retire under the most negative of circumstances surrounding his role in acquiring Monsanto and all of their legal troubles...READ MORE
Bayer Shareholder Lawsuit Complicates Roundup Herbicide Settlement | 3/9/2020
Bayer has also been hit with a $265 million jury award to a US farmer for ruining his peach farm by cross-contamination...READ MORE
Roundup Lawsuits Being Filed in Australia | 3/2/2020
Lawyers and plaintiffs are taking their lead from American lawsuits that have awarded billions of dollars to plaintiffs with Roundup herbicide cancer...READ MORE
Glyphosate Is a Patented Antibiotic Drug That Kills Gut Bacteria | 2/22/2020
Glyphosate's original purpose was to treat diseases as an antibiotic drug and was later repurposed as a weedkiller...READ MORE
A Complex Monsanto Cancer Settlement May Be Forthcoming | 2/18/2020
All current trials have been postponed...READ MORE
Bayer/Monsanto May Have Found an Alternative to Glyphosate | 2/17/2020
Negotiations are concluding that could offer plaintiffs billions for cancer attributed to using Roundup herbicide including a cancer warning label or banning glyphosate altogether...READ MORE
Roundup Settlement Could Hinge on Overturning Albert and Alva Pilliod's Massive Jury Award | 2/12/2020
Overturning multi-million dollar jury awards could be part of the complicated Bayer Monsanto herbicide cancer settlement talks that could be wrapping up any day...READ MORE
Complications To Settling Monsanto Roundup Litigation | 2/5/2020
Some trials against Bayer have been postponed indefinitely while lawyers try to negotiate a settlement...READ MORE
Kelloggs Will Stop Buying From Companies That Spray Glyphosate Pre-Harvest By 2025 | 1/31/2020
The practice of drying out grains, wheat, and oat has come under criticism as loading children's breakfast cereals with glyphosate...READ MORE
Bayer Is Expected To Settle Roundup Lawsuits in February | 1/20/2020
Lawyers are trying to get at least three more cases tried in California and Missouri before a settlement is reached...READ MORE
Bayer Stockholder Concerns May Be Driving a Bayer/Roundup Cancer Settlement | 1/15/2020
Bayer is seeking to limit its legal costs by settling thousands of Monsanto cancer lawsuits inherited when they bought the company...READ MORE
Bayer Public Affairs Director Argues Glyphosate is Good For The Environment | 1/14/2020
Climate change activists are pulling for Monsanto and are now on record as saying that glyphosate is a net benefit for the environment...READ MORE
MIT Professor is Certain Glyphosate Causes Cancer, Autism, Altzheimer's, and Other Deadly Diseases | 1/6/2020
Glyphosate is sprayed everywhere from underneath power lines to Municipal Waterways and Public Parks to almost every food crop in the world and is the prime suspect in causing many, many diseases...READ MORE
Glyphosate Could Cause Health Problems For Generations | 1/3/2020
Researchers are moving past adult cancer to look at the long-term genetic damage that glyphosate may be causing...READ MORE
The EPA Thinks Roundup Does Not Need a Cancer Warning Label | 12/31/2019
US farmers view glyphosate as an essential weed control tool and would not able to compete without it...READ MORE
Trump's EPA Stands Behind The Safety Of Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide Once Again | 12/23/2019
The current administration in Washington has blinders on when it comes to supporting American business at any cost...READ MORE
Australia Class Action Against Monsanto Begins Under The Suspicion of American Attorney Misconduct | 12/20/2019
One of the attorneys representing DeWayne Lee Johnson has been arrested and charged with attempting to extort chemical giant Monsanto...READ MORE
Former Monsanto Chairman Will Testify in Upcoming Roundup Cancer Trial | 12/11/2019
The State of Missouri will host the trial, the same state as the chairman's residence...READ MORE
Mexico Bans a 1000-ton Shipment of Roundup Herbicide | 11/29/2019
Monsanto's stranglehold on the world's agricultural production is gradually unraveling as country after country restricts glyphosate...READ MORE
Utilities Spray Millions of Gallons of Glyphosate To Kill Vegetation Under Power Lines Causing Local Residents to Become Sick | 11/27/2019
Runoff from spraying Roundup can also destroy crops, kill pollinating bees, and eventually wind up in local rivers, lakes, and the community's water supply...READ MORE
Coffee May Contain Unhealthy Levels of Glyphosate | 11/26/2019
Over 100 crops that make up the food we eat are genetically modified to resist the poisonous Roundup herbicide that they are sprayed with...READ MORE
Canadian Group Seeks $500 Million For Their Roundup Cancer | 11/21/2019
Since Monsanto's Roundup is used around the world lawsuits know no boundaries either...READ MORE
Tell Amazon, Costco, Home Depot and Walmart to Stop Selling Monsanto’s Roundup | 11/15/2019
Consumers are urged to get involved and demand that Roundup herbicide be pulled from retail shelves...READ MORE
Municipalities Tackle California's Glyphosate Problems | 11/11/2019
Lawmakers could propose banning Roundup Herbicide and putting Californians to work pulling weeds...READ MORE
Bayer/Monsanto's Relationships With Government Regulators is Being Questioned | 11/8/2019
Non-profit environmental groups are at the forefront in the fight against Roundup herbicide containing glyphosate...READ MORE
Thailand Announces December 1, 2019, Glyphosate Ban | 10/30/2019
Thailand to join Vietnam in banning glyphosate in Southeast Asia...READ MORE
US Retail Chains May Also Be Held Liable For Glyphosate Cancer | 10/22/2019
If lawsuits encourage municipalities to stop using Roundup maybe lawsuits against retailers can stop them from selling it...READ MORE
Bayer Seeking Time To Have Three Jury Verdicts Against Them Overturned | 10/21/2019
Bayer may not be as interested in negotiating a settlement as they are in buying time to appeal the billions of dollars in jury awards against them...READ MORE
Monsanto's Financial Ruin Is Expected To Escalate In The Coming Weeks | 10/17/2019
Lawsuits against Monsanto reported within next week or so could double or triple bringing pressure on Bayer to settle them before their entire company is destroyed...READ MORE
Monsanto Faces Global Legal Challenges To Roundup's Safety | 10/11/2019
Occupational users of Roundup herbicide were not warned to wear protective clothing...READ MORE
Monsanto is Costing Bayer Much More Than The $63 Billion it Paid Upfront For The Company | 10/8/2019
Legal costs, declines in seed sales, and market value depreciation are costing Bayer many times more than the amount it expected to pay for Monsanto...READ MORE
Bayer/Monsanto Face Lawsuits From Around The World | 10/4/2019
Over 18000 people with cancer in the US alone have filed claims against Monsanto...READ MORE
Banning Glyphosate Outright Could Be Counter Productive | 9/30/2019
Roundup herbicide should be banned in and around areas where children play and from the food they eat...READ MORE
Inconclusive Scientific Evidence Could Clear Roundup Herbicide From Cancer Accusations | 9/24/2019
One scientist asks "If Roundup herbicide causes deadly lymphoma where are all the bodies?"...READ MORE
Bayer Stockholders Could Force CEO to Resign Over Roundup Cancer Scandal | 9/19/2019
Bayer has angered its stockholders who wish the company had never purchased Monsanto...READ MORE
Germany Commits to Saving The Bees And Bans The Use of Glyphosate | 9/16/2019
Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that if all bee species were to die off human life would also cease to exist in just four more years...READ MORE
Delays Hamper The Next Roundup Herbicide Trial Pushing The Proceedings Back Until Early 2020 | 9/11/2019
Combining plaintiffs may not be a great idea as their history of potentially being exposed to carcinogens could be different from one another...READ MORE
Homeowners in Neighborhoods With Children Should Stop Using Roundup Weedkiller Immediately | 9/2/2019
A red or white warning flag means nothing to children who roll around and play in parks and lawns and come into direct skin contact with the deadly, cancer-causing Roundup weedkiller daily...READ MORE
Glyphosate May Indirectly Threaten the World's Food Supply | 8/29/2019
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide may be on the verge of causing a global health crisis many times greater than the risks of developing cancer...READ MORE
Municipalities Should Not Be So Quick To Ban Roundup Herbicide | 8/23/2019
If there is one thing I know for sure it is that Monsanto's next defoliant chemical will be even deadlier than Roundup...READ MORE
Monsanto's Has a Legacy of Producing Products That Cause Serious Health Problems | 8/21/2019
Since Monsanto's product line kills plants and insects indiscriminately and also cause cancer, one could surmise that Roundup containing glyphosate would do the same...READ MORE
Only the Pro-Business US EPA Defends Glyphosate's Safety | 8/14/2019
Monsanto is having a difficult time defending Roundup herbicide as safe for consumers...READ MORE
Reports Of Monsanto Glyphosate Settlement May Be Misleading | 8/6/2019
CBS may have jumped the gun when reporting that Monsanto offered a settlement to 18,000 glyphosate cancer victims...READ MORE
England's New Prime Minister Supports Monsanto's Genetically Modified Crops | 7/30/2019
The EU's insistence on banning glyphosate and GMO crops on the continent run counter to Englands post-Brexit agricultural objectives...READ MORE
Monsanto Chastised By Judge When Reducing $2 Billion Jury Award | 7/29/2019
Monsanto had a big win when a judge slashed 95 percent off the jury award of 2 billion dollars bringing the amount in line with legal precedent in the third of three cases decided against Monsanto...READ MORE
Monsanto Announces 500 New High-Paying Missouri Jobs | 7/24/2019
Monsanto is trying to draw attention that they are one of the state's largest employers in advance of the upcoming Roundup/Cancer trial...READ MORE
Roundup Herbicide Contains Dangerous Chemicals In Addition to Glyphosate | 7/19/2019
Surfactants, soap-like chemicals found in Roundup, could cause glyphosate to enter the body through the skin and become carcinogenic...READ MORE
Judge Reduces Another Roundup Punitive Damages Award | 7/16/2019
The judge enforces the jury's findings that Monsanto acted with malfeasance of forethought falling short of deliberately causing harm...READ MORE
The Pros and Cons of Banning Glyphosate | 7/12/2019
Environmental and consumer health experts are coming to the conclusion that Monsanto's Roundup herbicide should be banned in the United States. Banning the herbicide in the US alone, however, would make farmers noncompetitive and cost the US thousands of jobs...READ MORE
The Pressure is Mounting For Bayer to Settle Roundup Claims | 7/9/2019
Billion-dollar jury verdicts against Monsanto may also cause the State of California to rethink requiring a Roundup cancer warning label...READ MORE
Cemented Knee Replacement Devices Fail at a Higher Rate in Obese Patients | 7/8/2019
Obesity not osteoarthris should be considered more carefully before a doctor recommends total knee replacement...READ MORE
Austria Bans Glyphosate Herbicide | 7/5/2019
Glyphosate toxicity is a cause for concern for Europe's most environmentally-conscious nations like German, Austria, and The Netherlands...READ MORE
Europe Could Ban Glyphosate in 2022 | 7/1/2019
Negotiations to extend Bayer's license to sell glyphosate is expected to phase out Europe's usage of the chemical over the years coming years...READ MORE
Children Are Exposed to Roundup Herbicide on Their School Playgrounds And In Their Food | 6/25/2019
Even a partial ban on using Roundup by school districts and municipal parks and grounds may have a positive effect on our children's health...READ MORE
Monsanto Seeks To Overturn A $2 Billion Jury Verdict Against Them And Prepares For The Next Trial In August | 6/20/2019
Monsanto/Bayer attorneys are fighting to have the jury award reduced, eliminated, or have a new trial granted...READ MORE
Bayer Could Be Moving On From Monsanto and Glyphosate | 6/17/2019
Bayer's CEO is under pressure to account for last year's acquisition of Monsanto given what is now known about glyphosate causing cancer...READ MORE
Glyphosate May Cause More Diseases Than Cancer Alone | 6/10/2019
Billions of dollars in punitive damages have encouraged researchers who always suspected that glyphosate is more poisonous than what we are being led to believe...READ MORE
Monsanto/Bayer Face International Lawsuits From Those Who Have Used Roundup Herbicide | 6/6/2019
Three earth-shattering jury awards in the United States have set a precedent and opened the floodgates for international Roundup herbicide lawsuits...READ MORE
Monsanto Is Trying to Get Cases Removed From Federal Court in California | 6/3/2019
There is much positioning going on to move the Monsanto trials out of state courts and also out of Federal court in California...READ MORE
Glyphosate Poses Many Difficult Questions | 5/30/2019
It may be too late to ban glyphosate and also too risky to continue to use it...READ MORE
Mediator Appointed To Settle Some Cases Against Monsanto | 5/27/2019
Billions have been awarded to only four plaintiffs that claim that glyphosate gave them cancer...READ MORE
Trials Against Monsanto Will Continue in August 2019 | 5/20/2019
Over $2.2 billion in damages have been awarded in three trials where plaintiffs allege Roundup herbicide gave them cancer...READ MORE
Monsanto Ordered to Pay $2 Billion For A Couple's Roundup Cancer | 5/14/2019
The jury award is the third in three trials accusing Roundup herbicide of causing cancer...READ MORE
The Trump Administration Stands Behind The EPA's Glyphosate Safety Announcement. | 5/8/2019
The International Agency For Research on Cancer (IARC) and others that claim glyphosate is probably carcinogenic must have it all wrong...READ MORE
Timing Of The EPA Statement on Glyphosate's Safety is Suspect and Raises Questions of Credibility | 5/4/2019
The Environmental Protection Agency came out the other day in full support of glyphosate's safety just as Monsanto was putting on their case in defense of Roundup herbicide...READ MORE
Vietnam Bans Glyphosate | 4/30/2019
Monsanto has a reputation in South East Asia for making deadly cancer-causing-chemicals...READ MORE
Occupational Users Of Roundup Herbicide Are Developing Cancer And Suing Monsanto | 4/26/2019
Dermal Absorption of the chemical mixture of Roundup herbicide is the central issue lawsuits against Monsanto focus on...READ MORE
Plaintiffs Have Presented Their Case in The Third Monsanto Roundup Herbicide Trial | 4/23/2019
Now it is the defense's turn to try and convince the jury that the chemical cocktail called Roundup herbicide containing glyphosate is harmless for humans to use, something they have failed to do in the previous two trials...READ MORE
Study Confirms IARC Glyphosate Cancer Link | 4/17/2019
Efforts by Monsanto to undermine the IARC's determination that glyphosate probably causes cancer may come to an end...READ MORE
Monsanto's Attorneys Point to Studies Paid For By The Company Itself | 4/11/2019
Monsanto's best defense against the mountain of evidence piling up proving Roundup herbicide is carcinogenic is the results of scientific studies they paid for and are thus rendered meaningless...READ MORE
Roundup Herbicide May Be More Toxic Than Glyphosate Alone | 4/9/2019
A fourth trial is underway and this one claims that glyphosate plus polyoxyethyleneamine is a carcinogenic mix...READ MORE
High Levels Of Glyphosate In Oatmeal, Bread, and Children's Foods To Be Reduced | 4/5/2019
A bill introduced recently seeks to limit the levels of glyphosate that are too high for consumption by children in certain foods ...READ MORE
Glyphosate Fearmongering In The Media | 4/3/2019
Monsanto has a history of producing cancer-causing chemicals and the media is taking advantage of that fact...READ MORE
The Third Monsanto Glyphosate Cancer Trial is Underway | 4/1/2019
Two bellwether trials that have been decided in the plaintiff's favor have paved the way for many more to come...READ MORE
Governments Should Think Twice Before Banning Glyphosate As The Alternative Could Be Much Worse | 3/29/2019
Glyphosate is used around the world in such enormous quantities that banning the chemical could have terrible effects on the economy and, surprisingly, the environment...READ MORE
Another 80 Million Dollars For a Roundup Herbicide Cancer Victim | 3/28/2019
A California property owner developed cancer from spraying Roundup herbicide for decades...READ MORE
The Statute of Limitation Could Be Lifted Allowing Those That Died of Cancer Years Ago To File a Claim Against Monsanto Makers Bayer | 3/26/2019
Moving the starting date in which to file a claim forward could increase the number of lawsuits against the maker of Roundup herbicide...READ MORE
Roundup's Adverse Publicity Is Forcing Local California Governments To Ban Using The Weedkiller | 3/25/2019
California's local elected officials would look incompetent allowing a chemical that the state considers to be carcinogenic to be sprayed around schools, parks, and other government-run properties...READ MORE
Monsanto/Bayer Loses The First Round in Glyphosate Cancer Trial | 3/21/2019
In a first of its kind Federal trial, a California jury has determined that the scientific evidence presented by plaintiffs was sufficient to conclude that glyphosate "substantially contributed" to the plaintiff's cancer...READ MORE
Glyphosate's Cancer Symptoms Can Take Decades To Become Apparent | 3/11/2019
Millions of occupational users of Roundup herbicide could be unaware they are living with terminal cancer...READ MORE
Judge Fines Plaintiff's Attorney In Second Monsanto Roundup Cancer Trial For Mentioning Excluded Evidence | 3/7/2019
A second trial claiming that glyphosate in Roundup herbicide caused the plaintiff's cancer is underway but may be in jeopardy of a mistrial...READ MORE
The City Of Miami Florida Has Banned The Use of Glyphosate Within City Limits | 3/3/2019
One city after another are ending the use of Roundup herbicide in the United States...READ MORE
Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide Being Scrutinized By Consumers, Municipal Governments And In The Courts | 2/26/2019
Developments are occurring on many different fronts in the Monsanto glyphosate cancer controversy...READ MORE
University Study Finds Occupational Use of Roundup Weedkiller May Increase Cancer Risk By Over 40 percent | 2/20/2019
Professional farmers, groundskeepers, state maintenance workers, golf course maintenance personnel, and other professionals that are licensed as herbicide or pesticide applicators may be at an increased risk of developing non-Hodgkins lymphoma from exposure to Roundup weedkiller...READ MORE
Plaintiffs Claim Glyphosate Destroyed Their Beneficial Gut Bacteria | 2/18/2019
Monsanto's faulty logic that glyphosate affects only plant life is being challenged in court...READ MORE
Academia Re-thinking Glyphosate's Toxicity | 2/11/2019
Monsanto's link to ghostwriting scientific glyphosate studies may have been covered up by hiring a third party to produce them...READ MORE
Monsanto Fights State Cancer Designation | 2/8/2019
Monsanto challenges cancer warnings by claiming warning labels will cause food prices to skyrocket and crush local agricultural economies...READ MORE
Canada Reaffirms That Glyphosate is Safe For Humans | 2/7/2019
The Canadian findings contradict evidence being uncovered that Monsanto executives knew glyphosate was carcinogenic and did whatever was necessary to cover up this fact...READ MORE
Monsanto Glyphosate Trial Decision Swings The Case Heavily in Favor of the Plaintiff | 1/29/2019
Even though the trial has not even started the defense was dealt a devastating blow when a judge allowed controversial evidence to be presented to the jury...READ MORE
Monsanto's Defense of Glyphosate Draws Attention to All Those Scientific Studies | 1/28/2019
Monsanto once again points to the science behind the safety of glyphosate as France bans the chemical...READ MORE
Consumer Groups Are Concerned About American Children's Exposure to Glyphosate | 1/24/2019
Given Monsanto's track record of producing cancer-causing chemicals and also because of how little we know about glyphosate's potential to cause long-term harm, parents should avoid products that contain glyphosate...READ MORE
The US Environmental Protection Agency May Have Relied On Monsanto's Own Studies To Formulate Their Glyphosate Opinion | 1/19/2019
Health organizations are questioning the efficacy of the studies the EPA used to come to the conclusion that glyphosate is not carcinogenic in humans...READ MORE
Glyphosate Levels Continue Rising in Breakfast Cereals | 1/15/2019
When it comes to the health of our children few would argue that it makes sense to err on the side of caution...READ MORE
Monsanto's Taint on Scientific Studies May Never See The Light in Court | 1/11/2019
If the plaintiff cannot prove glyphosate is carcinogenic Monsanto's manipulation of scientific data may be suppressed...READ MORE
Next Glyphosate Trial to be Split Into Two Parts | 1/8/2019
The plaintiffs will have to prove glyphosate causes cancer based solely on scientific evidence before Monsanto's alleged misconduct can be heard...READ MORE
Glyphosate Contamination of School Playgrounds May Be Unstoppable | 1/1/2019
Agricultural cross-contamination from adjacent vineyards and fields may contaminate California school playgrounds...READ MORE
Monsanto Attorneys Push For Complete Repeal of Jury Verdict Against Them | 12/21/2018
Monsanto still has no answers for a toxicologist that demonstrated that glyphosate can bio-accumulate to potentially carcinogenic levels on the skin with regular exposure...READ MORE
The International Agency For Research on Cancer Insists They Do Not Cherry Pick Studies | 12/18/2018
The IARC is angry at Monsanto for questioning their scientific ethics and defends their position as a fiercely independent world cancer watchdog organization...READ MORE
Municipalities Look to Ban Glyphosate Usage in Public Areas | 12/15/2018
Weed control using glyphosate-based herbicides like Monsanto's Roundup may be unnecessary for public maintenance...READ MORE
Glyphosate May Be To Blame For Florida's Clean Water Crisis and Apocalyptic Fish Die-Off | 12/12/2018
Scientists point to the introduction of glyphosate for causing a super-strain of herbicide-resistant toxic algae...READ MORE
Celebrity Health Activists Join The Fight Against Monsanto | 12/10/2018
When consumer advocate Erin Brockovich takes a position on a health issue you can bet that the matter is serious and that lives are at risk...READ MORE
Monsanto Make The Case For Glyphosate's Safety | 12/5/2018
For decades, Monsanto has built a dossier of scientific studies and common sense arguments that support their opinion that glyphosate is not only safe but also a necessary agricultural component...READ MORE
Glyphosate Free Designation Sweeping US Food Packaging Across America | 12/3/2018
When the government fails to regulate chemicals that contaminate the food supply it is up to educated consumers to take matters into their own hands...READ MORE
Monsanto May Have Mislead Government Regulators to Conclude Glyphosate is Safe | 11/27/2018
Monsanto defense attorneys are quick to point to the hundreds of independent studies showing how harmless glyphosate is, however, most of them they may have actually authored themselves...READ MORE
Farmers Show Concern Over Using Roundup | 11/12/2018
Occupations that use Roundup herbicide are worried they could be at risk for Roundup cancer...READ MORE
Germany Announces a Staged Ban on Monsanto's Glyphosate | 11/7/2018
Germany is leading the way in the fight to ban glyphosate and Roundup herbicide from the European continent ...READ MORE
Jury Verdict Against Monsanto's Roundup Has Been Upheld | 10/31/2018
If cancer-victim DeWayne Johnson accepts a reduced jury award, Monsanto's appeal will be denied and the decision will stand...READ MORE
DeWayne Johnson's Punitive Jury Award Reduced to $39 Million | 10/25/2018
Johnson can either choose to accept this lesser amount or a California judge will grant Monsanto's motion for a new trial...READ MORE
Judge to Grant Monsanto New DeWayne Johnson Roundup Cancer Trial | 10/16/2018
Monsanto attorneys have challenged the $289 million jury verdict on the grounds that it is an unreasonable amount...READ MORE
Breakfast Cereals Found To Contain Glyphosate | 10/12/2018
As cynical as that may sound, glyphosate has been found by a leading international health organization to probably cause cancer in humans and is present in unhealthy levels in America's staple food products such as breakfast cereal...READ MORE
Roundup Lawsuit Spurs People To Action | 10/3/2018
People are concerned about their health due to Roundup herbicide being linked to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a rare form of cancer...READ MORE
The Health-Damaging Effects of Glyphosate May Extend Well Beyond Cancer | 10/1/2018
In order to avoid the health problems associated with glyphosate, we may have to stop eating packaged food products altogether...READ MORE
Monsanto Points to Studies In DeWayne Johnson Trial Appeal | 9/28/2018
Monsanto is appealing the $289 million jury verdict awarded California school groundskeeper DeWayne Johnson...READ MORE
Glyphosate is a Likely Contributor to Honey Bee Colony Collapse | 9/27/2018
Researchers point to the destruction of gut bacteria as a likely reason that honey bees, essential to our agricultural food supply, have died off in alarming numbers over the last decade...READ MORE
Workers in Occupations That Require Using Roundup Herbicide May Develop Skin Cancer | 9/24/2018
A jury recently found that coming into contact with Monsanto's Roundup herbicide regularly can cause irritation that can lead to skin cancer...READ MORE
Monsanto Seeks To Have The $289 Roundup Cancer Jury Award Overturned | 9/22/2018
Lawyers for Monsanto have asked a San Francisco California judge to throw out the $289 million jury award that was leveled against them last month on the grounds that "DeWayne Johnson failed to prove that Roundup or similar herbicides caused his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma"...READ MORE
What Can An Individual Do To Help Fight Monsanto/Bayer Roundup Cancer? | 9/20/2018
Websites and consumer organization urge the public to fight back against Monsanto's denial that Roundup herbicide causes cancer in humans...READ MORE
Roundup Cancer Trials To Be Expedited Due To California Terminal Illness Law | 9/19/2018
A law in California allows elderly plaintiffs and those with terminal illnesses to have their trials moved to the front of the list...READ MORE
Large Jury Awards Can Be More Effective Than a Product Warning Label | 9/17/2018
Monsanto's Roundup herbicide contains a chemical, glyphosate, that a jury has now found causes cancer...READ MORE
Should Roundup Herbicide Cause You To Stop Eating Packaged Foods? | 9/11/2018
Scientific studies and a recent legal case have reinforced the link between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a rare and often deadly form of cancer and consumers are concerned...READ MORE
Monsanto and Bayer Fight For Their Financial Future | 8/31/2018
Monsanto continues to deny that glyphosate is carcinogenic...READ MORE
Monsanto to Appeal Johnson Verdict | 8/30/2018
Monsanto's defense of Roundup herbicide focused on trying to discredit the plaintiff's expert scientific witnesses...READ MORE
Glyphosate May Be Responsible For a Host of Diseases Not Only Cancer | 8/21/2018
Glyphosate sprayed on the crops that go into everyday packaged breakfast cereals may be harming our children...READ MORE
Bayer May Be Fighting a Losing Battle By Defending Roundup Herbicide | 8/15/2018
Bayer's reputation may be irreparably damaged by its acquisition of Monsanto and the thousands of lawsuits that are coming...READ MORE
Direct Skin Contact With Roundup Causes Cancer | 8/10/2018
When all was said in done it was the cancer-causing skin irritation caused by Roundup herbicide that convinced the jury...READ MORE
Punitive Damages Against Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide Can Serve as a Warning to Consumers to Avoid the Product | 8/9/2018
Federal and state government agencies are often incapable of acting quickly and forcefully enough to alert the public of a potential health hazard...READ MORE
Glyphosate does not have to cause cancer in everyone to be considered carcinogenic | 8/7/2018
Tobacco and asbestos cause cancer in a surprisingly small percentage of their lifelong users...READ MORE
Consumer Groups Urge Members to File Roundup Cancer Complaints | 8/3/2018
The fight against Monsanto's Roundup herbicide is continuing on many fronts including mothers that are concerned Roundup could harm their children...READ MORE
Scientific Studies Challenged in DeWayne Johnson Monsanto Cancer Trial | 7/31/2018
Attorneys for DeWayne Johnson challenge the EPA's findings that glyphosate is safe for humans...READ MORE
Expert Demonstrates Glyphosate Bio-accumulates on the Skin | 7/27/2018
Expert testimony held up to cross-examination when a toxicologist for the plaintiff showed that glyphosate can be absorbed in cancerous quantities through bio-accumulation on the skin...READ MORE
Plaintiff Drenched In Roundup on Two Occasions | 7/25/2018
The plaintiff in the Monsanto Roundup cancer trial took the stand today and told the jury that he used Roundup regularly in the course of doing his work and on two occasions was drenched in the chemical herbicide...READ MORE
Monsanto Attorneys Challenge IARC Cancer Designation | 7/23/2018
The IARC is the world's renowned source of independent cancer research but not in the eyes of Monsanto...READ MORE
Expert Testimony Given at DeWayne Johnson Monsanto Trial | 7/20/2018
The plaintiffs are presenting independent, unbiased, scientific evidence that glyphosate is carcinogenic and Monsanto attorneys are having a breakdown trying to discredit the testimony...READ MORE
DeWayne Johnson Monsanto Cancer Trial One-Week Update | 7/17/2018
Monsanto is challenging the motives of a scientist that contributed to the IARC's decision to pronounce glyphosate as probably carcinogenic in humans...READ MORE
Judge Rules Monsanto Trials May Proceed to Court | 7/13/2018
A San Francisco Federal Judge has ruled that all of the more than 2000 lawsuits against Monsanto may proceed to court...READ MORE
Californians Urge Retailers to Pull Roundup | 7/11/2018
California may not be able to require Monsanto to label Roundup but consumer groups are determined to get retailers to pull the product from their shelves...READ MORE
Glyphosate May Contribute to the Epidemics of Obesity, Autism, and Others | 7/5/2018
Scientists think glyphosate, a patented antibiotic, may be behind the epidemic of many diseases as well as cancer...READ MORE
Jury Selection Complete in DeWayne Johnson Monsanto Cancer Trial | 6/29/2018
Legal professionals agree that jury selection is a critical element of the Monsanto glyphosate cancer trial...READ MORE
DeWayne Johnson Trial Against Monsanto Underway | 6/26/2018
The potentially precedent-setting trial against Monsanto's Roundup Ready herbicide highlights evidence for the plaintiff...READ MORE
Jury To Hear Evidence of Monsanto Glyphosate Coverup | 6/22/2018
Monsanto internal emails may point to the company knowing that glyphosate causes cancer in humans...READ MORE
DeWayne Johnson Monsanto Trial Underway Claiming Roundup Ready Herbicide Causes Cancer | 6/19/2018
A bellwether trial has begun that could expose Monsanto for covering up the cancer risks of Roundup Ready herbicide...READ MORE
Roundup Ready Cancer Warning Labels Deemed Unnecessary | 6/14/2018
Undisputed evidence is needed to force Monsanto to label Roundup Ready herbicide as carcinogenic to humans...READ MORE
United States Health Agencies Support the Use Of Glyphosate | 6/11/2018
Other countries in Europe and around the world recognize the World Health Organization's finding and have banned the usage of glyphosate ...READ MORE
Monsanto is Losing it Fight Against Roundup Warning Labels | 6/5/2018
Monsanto is fighting California's requirement that the company warns consumers with "clear and reasonable" language that glyphosate causes cancer...READ MORE
Glyphosate May Effect Human Gut Bacteria | 5/30/2018
Glyphosate, patented in 2010 as an antibiotic for humans, could be the mysterious cause of many diseases in addition to cancer...READ MORE
Monsanto Alleged Fraud to be Introduced at Trial | 5/25/2018
A Monsanto cancer lawsuit currently underway will be the first to introduce evidence claiming Monsanto executives knew that glyphosate causes cancer and covered up the findings for decades...READ MORE
San Francisco Federal Judge to Decide on Monsanto Lawsuits | 5/22/2018
Hundreds of cases against Monsanto are being grouped into multi-district litigation to streamline the pre-trial and discovery processes...READ MORE
Consumer Group Lawsuit Against Monsanto Goes Forward | 5/17/2018
In what is sure to be a landmark, precedent-setting court case, a lawsuit claiming that Monsanto Roundup labeling is false and misleading is allowed by a federal judge to proceed...READ MORE
The IARC Findings Spark a Flood of Lawsuits Against Monsanto | 5/13/2018
Monsanto is fighting tooth and nail to keep lawsuits claiming Roundup cancer from ever going to court...READ MORE
Roundup Ready Will Not Be Labeled Cancer-Causing in California | 5/9/2018
Monsanto Roundup Ready sidesteps a cancer warning ... for now...READ MORE
Roundup Herbicide Human Cancer Risks | 5/5/2018
Exposure to Roundup herbicide poses an elevated risk of humans developing certain rare forms of cancer such as leukemia, myeloma, and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. ...READ MORE
California's Appeals Court Confirms Glyphosate on Cancer List | 5/2/2018
Californians are leading the way in the United States by daring to challenge the use of glyphosate in their state...READ MORE
Roundup Cancer Lawsuits in Multi-District Litigation | 4/30/2018
A recent article in the New York Times elaborates on the latest findings against Monsanto's defense of glyphosate. ...READ MORE
International Condemnation of Glyphosate is Adding Up | 4/27/2018
Public outcry from around the world is forcing governments to ban or restrict glyphosate until more studies can be conducted...READ MORE
Glyphosate to Remain on California's List of Cancer-Causing Chemicals | 4/26/2018
Monsanto continues to fight against warning consumers that Roundup herbicide causes cancer in humans...READ MORE
The Monsanto's Glyphosate Firestorm | 4/25/2018
Monsanto's flagship product, Roundup Ready with glyphosate, is at the center of a storm of controversy regarding whether or not the chemical causes cancer...READ MORE
California Court Upholds Glyphosate's Cancer Warning | 4/23/2018
Glyphosate will remain on the official California cancer list...READ MORE
How Exposed Are You To Glyphosate | 4/16/2018
Levels of Roundup Ready herbicide's active ingredient glyphosate can be found in nearly everything and everyone...READ MORE
Monsanto Fights Back Over Inclusion of Glyphosate as Cancer Causing | 4/12/2018
An agricultural group led by Monsanto is fighting against glyphosate's inclusion on California's Prop 65 list of chemicals that cause cancer ...READ MORE
Roundup Ready Herbicide Is Everywhere | 4/6/2018
Monsanto's Roundup Ready herbicide has a stranglehold on the food most people eat in the United States and around the world...READ MORE
Overview of the Controversy Surrounding Monsanto's Roundup Herbicide | 3/30/2018
Evidence is mounting against continuing to spray the world's food source with the deadly herbicide...READ MORE
Glyphosate and Autism | 3/23/2018
Scientist point to glyphosate as a probable cause of autism in children...READ MORE
California's List of Chemicals That Cause Cancer Includes Glyphosate | 3/16/2018
Monsanto-led agricultural groups attempt to have glyphosate removed from California's cancer list...READ MORE
Independent Studies Support California's Glyphosate Cancer Warnings | 3/9/2018
Those with no financial dependence on glyphosate sales link the herbicide with an increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma...READ MORE
Occupations at High Risk of Cancer Caused by Glyphosate | 3/2/2018
Using Roundup with glyphosate every day in the course of your job could cost you your life...READ MORE
When Was Monsanto Aware of the Danger of Roundup | 12/30/2017
Lawsuits are uncovering evidence that Monsanto has been aware of the link between glyphosate and people developing cancer and covered it up...READ MORE
People Are Suing Monsanto Claiming That Roundup Herbicide Caused Their Cancer | 12/27/2017
An ever-increasing number of people and the estates of those who have died from cancer are suing Monsanto for failing to warn them of the health implications of using Roundup herbicide...READ MORE
Monsanto Maker of the Deadly Defoliant ... Agent Orange | 12/20/2017
Acute Myeloid Leukemia is a rapidly spreading and deadly form of cancer where only 27% of its victims live at least five years post-diagnosis...READ MORE
Monsanto Fights Roundup Cancer Warning | 12/18/2017
Monsanto challenges cancer warnings by claiming warning labels will cause food prices to skyrocket and crush local agricultural economies...READ MORE
Roundup Herbicide is Everywhere | 12/13/2017
Roundup herbicide is being sprayed on so many things today that traces of glyphosate can be found in everyone...READ MORE
Monsanto Fights Roundup Cancer Designations | 12/8/2017
Unsealed court documents link glyphosate with cancer and Monsanto is accused of trying to cover it up...READ MORE
Monsanto License Renewed in Europe | 12/4/2017
Against the will of millions of Europeans that signed a petition against Roundup herbicide, the EU has renewed Monsanto's Roundup license for another 5 years...READ MORE
Glyphosate is a Monsanto-Patented Antibiotic | 11/27/2017
Ingesting glyphosate, a patented antibiotic, could be the cause of multiple health problems...READ MORE
Eating Organic Could be More Important Than Ever | 11/20/2017
Alarming levels of glyphosate are being found in humans that eat vegetables treated with the herbicide...READ MORE
Monsanto Fights Back Against Glyphosate Cancer Designation | 11/13/2017
Monsanto has a history of fighting to keep glyphosate on the market...READ MORE
Pro-Monsanto Groups Are Fighting to Remove Glyphosate From California's List of Cancer-Causing Chemicals | 11/7/2017
A group of Monsanto GMO crop farmers from California and the Midwest have banded together and sue the state of California to remove glyphosate from the official cancer list...READ MORE
New Lawsuits Claim Roundup Caused Cancer | 11/3/2017
Maintenance workers forced to use Monsanto's Roundup herbicide that develope cancer are blaming Monsanto...READ MORE
Monsanto Fights to Defend Roundup Herbicide as Safe and Protect Their Billion Dollar Market Share | 10/30/2017
Monsanto refutes the claims of government agencies and scientists around the world who are concerned about the risks to public health of the world's most heavily-used herbicide ...READ MORE
California Avocado Farmer's Widow Sues Monsanto in Landmark Case | 10/23/2017
Jack McCall's surviving spouse Teri is suing Monsanto claiming that the company knew of the health risks of using Roundup Ready yet did nothing to warn the public...READ MORE
Glyphosate Toxicity and Autism | 10/17/2017
Trace amounts of glyphosate can be found in almost everything we eat...READ MORE
Glyphosate Added to California's List of Cancer-Causing Chemicals | 10/11/2017
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup Ready herbicide has been added to California's list of chemicals that cause cancer...READ MORE
Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Symptoms and Diagnosis | 10/5/2017
Workers in occupations that use Monsanto's Roundup herbicide may be at risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma...READ MORE
Lawsuits Seek to Stop Monsanto Putting Profits Over People | 8/28/2017
Choose a law firm with a demonstrable track record of success when taking large, multinational corporations to court...READ MORE
Monsanto and a Poisonous History | 8/21/2017
During the Vietnam War, Monsanto sold the US Army a deadly jungle defoliant called Agent Orange with callous disregard for the lives of American soldiers...READ MORE
Roundup Cancers Tearing Families Apart | 8/14/2017
Families are destroyed when a loved one suffers or dies from cancer...READ MORE
There is No Escaping Roundup Ready | 8/7/2017
So much Roundup Ready has been used in so many ways that the number of people at risk of developing cancer from it is greater than thought...READ MORE
Emails May Reveal Monsanto Executives May Have Been Aware of Roundup Danger | 8/1/2017
Monsanto executives may have known years in advance that their flagship product, Roundup Ready herbicide, could cause cancer...READ MORE
Lawsuits Aim To Draw Attention To Monsanto's Deadly Herbicide, Roundup Ready | 7/24/2017
Hundreds of people with deadly cancer, non-Hodgkins lymphoma are suing Monsanto for compensatory and punitive damages...READ MORE
Global Movement To Ban Monsanto Roundup Ready Herbicide | 7/17/2017
Protestors numbering in the millions seek to end the use of glyphosate throughout the European Union...READ MORE
Cancer Causing Glyphosate Is in the Meat We Eat | 7/10/2017
There is virtually nowhere to turn to escape ingesting the Monsanto cancer-causing poison, glyphosate...READ MORE
California's Roundup Ready Astonishing Cancer Warning | 7/3/2017
The state of California has broken with tradition to warn consumers that Monsanto's Roundup Ready herbicide causes cancer in humans...READ MORE
Monsanto Roundup Ready to be Banned in Europe | 6/19/2017
One Million Europeans Protest Monsanto Roundup...READ MORE
The Case for Monsanto Roundup Cancer Lawsuits | 6/16/2017
Medical research, science and current legal proceedings show Roundup cancer lawsuits are justified...READ MORE
Questionable Scientific Studies Used to Market Roundup | 6/12/2017
Monsanto mislabeled internal documents as academic to make its product appear safe...READ MORE
How a Roundup Cancer Attorney Can Help | 6/9/2017
Serious health problems from a company as large as Monsanto demand serious attorneys...READ MORE
Monsanto Roundup Cancer - Why You Should Contact an Attorney | 6/5/2017
Monsanto Roundup has caused everyday people serious harm, including death, all while making a profit, Onder Law holds them responsible...READ MORE
Common Weed Killer is a Probable Carcinogen | 6/1/2017
Herbicide found in millions of households has been identified as a cancer risk...READ MORE
Roundup Lawsuits See Impact In France | 3/28/2017
The country has decided to ban Roundup products in garden stores, a move that will encourage those who filed Roundup lawsuits around the U.S....READ MORE
Monsanto Battles Decision Big For Roundup Lawsuits | 3/24/2017
Monsanto is fighting a decision levied in California that allows labeling warning Roundup can cause cancer, which was a boon for Roundup cancer lawsuits....READ MORE
Roundup Lawsuits Science Day Set For February 27 | 3/21/2017
A science day to help explain to a federal court the specifics of the evidence behind claims made in Monsanto Roundup cancer lawsuits will take place on February 27....READ MORE
Roundup Lawsuits Probe EPA-Monsanto Relationship | 3/17/2017
Roundup cancer lawsuits filed against Monsanto have called into question the company's relationship with the EPA that resulted in the allegedly chemical glyphosate to be approved by the agency....READ MORE
New Roundup Cancer Lawsuit Filed In California | 3/14/2017
A recent Monsanto Roundup lawsuit was filed in California where a majority of the claims have originated....READ MORE
The Chemical At The Heart Of Roundup Lawsuits | 3/10/2017
Glyphosate is the chemical plaintiffs are claiming leads to cancer in their Monsanto Roundup lawsuits, and there is a long history of evidence that calls Roundup's main ingredient into question....READ MORE
Roundup Lawsuits Cite WHO Labeling Of Glyphosate | 3/6/2017
Plaintiffs who have filed Roundup cancer lawsuits against Monsanto have brought up the World Health Organization's classification of the weed killer's main ingredient glyphosate as a "possible carcinogen."...READ MORE
EPA Named Defendant In New Roundup Cancer Lawsuit | 3/3/2017
A number of consumer rights groups have filed a Monsanto Roundup lawsuit against the EPA over their allowance of a new herbicide that uses the allegedly cancerous chemical glyphosate....READ MORE
RFK Jr. To Visit California Over Roundup Lawsuits | 1/31/2017
The son of the former presidential candidate will visit California to address the heart of the Monsanto Roundup lawsuit proceedings...READ MORE
Roundup Lawsuits See Progress In Label Ruling | 1/28/2017
A California judge ruled that the state can affix labels to the Roundup, the weedkiller at the heart of Monsanto Roundup lawsuits, warning of the product's connection to cancer....READ MORE
Chemical Industry Attacks Roundup Lawsuit Evidence | 1/23/2017
A number of giants in the chemical industry are taking aim at the IARC for what they believe are lax rules concerning their designations of carcinogens....READ MORE
Roundup Lawsuit Paints Monsanto's False Marketing | 1/17/2017
The company that manufactured the weed killer that's believed to be a carcinogen claimed their product was "safer than table salt."...READ MORE
Another Monsanto Roundup Lawsuit Filed In Missouri | 1/13/2017
For the second time in less than a month, a plaintiff has filed a Roundup lawsuit against Monsanto in Missouri....READ MORE
Roundup Lawsuits Note Weedkiller Profitability | 1/10/2017
A number of Monsanto Roundup Lawsuits note that with profits in the billions, the company has plenty of reason to mislead to public regarding its connection to cancer....READ MORE
California Designation Helps Roundup Lawsuits | 1/7/2017
A California ruling in September of 2015 has served as evidence for plaintiffs that have filed Monsanto Roundup lawsuits....READ MORE
Roundup Lawsuits Claim Glyphosate Is A Carcinogen | 1/4/2017
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is named in Monsanto Roundup cancer lawsuits as the chemical that causes cancer in plantiffs that have filed claims against the agricultural giant....READ MORE
Monsanto Roundup Lawsuits Expose History Of Fraud | 12/31/2016
Roundup cancer lawsuits filed against Monsanto claim decades of fraudulent behavior by the agricultural company....READ MORE
Discovery Process Created For Roundup Lawsuit MDL | 12/27/2016
The judge overseeing the multidistrict litigation concerning Monsanto Roundup cancer lawsuits set the framework under which discovery will take place for the MDL....READ MORE
New Monsanto Roundup Lawsuit Filed In Missouri | 12/24/2016
A man who claims his cancer was caused by Monsanto's popular weed killer has filed a Roundup lawsuit in the Eastern District of Missouri....READ MORE
Science Day Upcoming For Roundup Lawsuit MDL | 12/21/2016
A science day for Roundup cancer lawsuits is in the near future for counsel representing both sides in multidistrict litigation. ...READ MORE
Monsanto Roundup Lawsuits Consolidated Into MDL | 12/18/2016
The October transfer of Monsanto Roundup lawsuits to multidistrict litigation will coordinate the country's federal claims before a single judge....READ MORE
Roundup Cancer Lawyers Given MDL Leadership Spots | 12/15/2016
A number of Monsanto Roundup attorneys were assigned to leadership positions in the MDL covering the claims....READ MORE
Roundup Cancer Lawsuit Filed In Northern Florida | 12/12/2016
A Florida man who was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma has filed a Roundup cancer lawsuit against Monsanto....READ MORE
New Nebraska Monsanto Roundup Lawsuit Filed | 12/9/2016
A man filed a state Roundup lawsuit in Nebraska, where the defendant Monsanto is headquartered....READ MORE
Lawyers for Roundup Cancer Lawsuits
Attorneys handling Roundup cancer lawsuits for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma offer free, no-obligation case review for individuals and families who believe they may have grounds to file a Roundup cancer lawsuit. Working on a contingency basis, these attorneys are committed to never charging legal fees unless they win compensation in your Roundup cancer lawsuit. The product liability litigators handling Roundup claims at the Onder Law Firm have a strong track record of success in representing families harmed by dangerous drugs and consumer products.